Shaping Sounds
Shaping Sounds is a prototype for an immersive art installation. The installation seeks to unlock the user's inner child through their interaction with the given objects in the installation.
Created by: Michael Villarreal, Christian Prestridge, Jeremy Suh
Made with:
The installation was inspired by the DVD screen saver. This is a childhood memory that many in the younger generation share. The installation seeks to use the nostalgia of the DVD screensaver and the use of block toys to create a sense of child-like joy amongst users. To the right is the mood/inspiration board
How it Works
The installation provides users with limited instructions. The users are given three block toys they can experiment with. The table in the room has an RFID scanner (marked so users can see it) which the users will see that once they place the blocks on the scanner, it appears on the projection. Each shape on the projection plays a different note.